

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Cara Memberi Ucapan Selamat Datang

tutorial selamat datang
1.login akun google anda
2.klik dashboard atau design
3.tata letak atau layout
4.add gadged->pilih html java script
5.copy code di bawah
<script type='text/javascript'> alert("Selamat datang di blog Akuw Ea Friend..., Jangan lupa komentarnya ya..")</script> udah jadi deh hahaha
tutorial sampai jumpa
1.seperti yang diatas
2.seperti yang diatas
3.seperti yang diatas
4.seperti yang diatas
5.sepeprti yang di atas tapi kode htmlnya di bawah ini

<script type='text/javascript'>
// goodbye alert
function goodbye(){
alert('BAGAS : Jangan lupa mampir lagi ya....Trima kasih kunjungannya ');
6.tulusan yang berwarna merah bisa di ubah menurut anda sendiri udah jadi deh wakakaakakkaka

Cara Mengetik Simbol" Unik

Halo agan" sekalian, pasti pernah liat kan tulisan" seperti ™, ©, ♥, ♦,
♣, ♠, dll. Sebagian pasti udah ada yang tau gimana cara menulis
simbol/gambar tersebut. Cara menulisnya sederhana, yaitu dengan
menggunakan kode ASCII. Cara penulisannya yaitu dengan cara :
1. Menahan alt
2. Menekan nomor kode pada bagian numlock di keyboard
3. Melepas alt

Contoh: kode untuk menuliskan ™ yaitu 0153. Maka agan" sekalian harus
menahan alt, kemudian menekan tombol 0 1 5 3 pada bagian numlock
(terdapat di sebelah kanan keyboard, bukan angka diatas hurf
qwertyuiop), kemudian lepas altnya.

*editan tambahan : Buat yang di laptop tetep bisa. nyalain dulu fungsi
numlocknya. biasa buat nyalain fungsinya tahan Fn, terus cari deh tanda
NumLk di keyboard, terus pencet. nah nanti bakalan ada huruf" yang
berubah jadi fungsi numlock. biasanya huruf j, k, l, u, i, o(satu
pencetan ada 2tanda). Kalo mo balikin kaya biasa tinggal Fn terus NumLk

Tadi sih TSnya dah coba" search, kayany belom pernah ada yang ngepost
kaya ginian. Kalo misalnya terhibur boleh minta nya CENDOL nya

NB : disaraninin pake kode aneh2 buat nick name.(berbahaya)
selain susah di whisp temen,kabarnya char seperti itu akan didelete
sama GM suatu saat nanti karena merusak database.(Credit by

"good luck" & "selamat mencoba"
jangan lupa cendol !! [+]

Cara Memasang Widged Translate Pada Blog Anda

Memasang widget translator atau "Penerjemah" pada blog banyak sekali gunanya. Translator ini berguna apabila ada pengunjung dari negara lain yang secara sengaja maupun tidak yang melihat blog kita dan tidak tahu bahasa kita maka mereka bisa menggunakan widget ini untuk menterjemahkannya kedalam bahasa yang mereka inginkan (tentunya yang sudah ada di widget ini). Widget ini sudah support untuk bahasa Indonesia. Dan kalo kamu mau, translator ini bisa juga untuk menterjemahkan tugas dari sekolah/kampus secara mudah. Dan hasilnya bisa lebih bagus daripada software transtool lho. Gimana? mau membuatnya? caranya mudah lho. Gini nih...

1. Login ke Blogger trus pilih menu "Layout" atau "Tata Letak"
2. Kemudian klik pada "Add Gadget" atau "tambah gadget=".
3. Lalu pilih HTML/Javascript"
4. Kemudian masukkan script berikut ini kedalamnya.

<script src=""></script>

5. Kemudian simpan.

good luck ea.:D

Tutorial Bikin Blog

pertama-tama siapkan kopi pisang goreng biar badah seger..Hihihihihihihih..
yuk kita mulai

1.sign in akun google anda jika anda belom px akun google silahkan sign up
bila anda sudah selesai membuatnya silahkan login nanti akan muncul gambar seperti ini

2.sesudah kalian isi semua itu klik lanjutkan
3.setalah tahap ke2 tersebut nanti anda akan di tampilkan gambar seperti ini

4.pilih template yang anda pilih kemudian klik lanjutkan anda sudah jadi,jika anda kesulitan anda bisa meminta tolong kepada saya membuatkan blog anda GRATIS!!!!!!!!!!..

Cara Memasukan Lagu Pada Blog

1.login ke akun google anda
2.klik dashboard atau design
3.pilih tata letak atau lay out
4.add gadged
5.pilih html java script

bagi yang gak mw ruwet copy kode di bawah ini

<div style="text-align: center;"><embed pluginspage="" src="" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" title="eminem& royce ft bruno mars@fullmusik" width="125" height="45"></embed></div>

6.atau anda mau milih lagu lain?klik disini
7.kemudian save dan apa yang terjadi....tarra udah stel sendiri lagunya oiya itu secara otomatis muter lagunya,kalo pengen manual gw gak tau carax..
cukup sekian informasi tentang cara memasukkan lagu ke dalam blog..

Cara Membuat Tulisan Blog Anda Berjalan

1.login akun google anda
2.klik dashboard atau design
3.layout atau tata letak
4.add gadged->pilih html java script
5.copy code di bawah ini

<script type="text/javascript">
function tb8_makeArray(n){
this.length = n;
return this.length;
tb8_messages = new tb8_makeArray(4);
tb8_messages[0] = "Welcome ";
tb8_messages[3] = "HAPPY JOIN";
tb8_rptType = 'infinite';
tb8_rptNbr = 5;
tb8_speed = 100;
tb8_delay = 2000;
var tb8_counter=1;
var tb8_currMsg=0;
var tb8_tekst ="";
var tb8_i=0;
var tb8_TID = null;
function tb8_pisi(){
tb8_tekst = tb8_tekst + tb8_messages[tb8_currMsg].substring(tb8_i, tb8_i+1);
document.title = tb8_tekst;
if (tb8_i==tb8_messages[tb8_currMsg].length){
tb8_currMsg++; tb8_i=0; tb8_tekst="";tb8_sp=tb8_delay;
if (tb8_currMsg == tb8_messages.length){
if ((tb8_rptType == 'finite') && (tb8_counter==tb8_rptNbr)){
tb8_currMsg = 0;
tb8_TID = setTimeout("tb8_pisi()", tb8_sp);

6.tulisan yang berwarna merah bisa di ganti apa saja menurut anda dan tarra sudah jadi deh..

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Ran Online JS

:: New Maps
1)Prison Test Zone
Prison Test Zone – an awful and hollow district area which is being used to carry out mysterious mutation experiments. After numerous reports of abnormal incidents, vicious mutated mobs are roaming alive and menacing the entire world. To overcome this unusual happenings, all students must gear up with full equipments to boost their final protective line!

The main highlights for the new added maps are Prison Test Zone and Seventh Laboratory. Both areas are connected to the Sacred Financial Group Private Prison, and the entrance of the Prison Test Zone is located on the upper space. Players need to complete the quest [Through the third tunnel] to enter the prison. Most of the high level mobs (lvl 188 and above) are packed tightly in the Prison Test Zone, so don’t try to going in there alone. Players can easily knock out enemies if their party consists 2-3 characters from different classes.
: Sacred Financial Group Private Prison
Requirement : Character level ≧170
Complete [Through the third tunnel mission]

Intrepid of Mutated Boss
Players will be able to find a lot of never-before-seen abominations surrounding Prison Test Zone. All mobs are aggressive and will attack on sight. Farther than Prison Test Zone is the Seventh Laboratory. Players will have to deal with a threat of these high level magnitude mobs before entering another area.
Among the lead mobs, Ultimate Destroyer is more powerful than Alien Archer, with a great attack and high explore rate, all players have to be well equipped before entering the battlefield, with enough quantities of HP Potion.
Equipment Storage
Equipment Storage is the most sophisticated battle area. It connects to the Prison Test Zone entrance to Laboratory Waiting Room. Mutated and Centipedes are floods everywhere. Players have to implement their anti-poison attribute attack before entering this zone.
Laboratory Waiting Room, and way to Laboratory Tunnel
Mutated and Mechanical Weird Hands are located in this area, so it is suitable for players to wipe out some small enemies.
First, Second Laboratory
This is a stopping area for Mechanical Hands and Crazy Bombers. Most of the mobs will crowd in here, but do not pull too many mobs at once for leveling players.
Waste Management Facility
Mechanical Hands and Crazy Bombers live in the Waste Management Facility and they are really dangerous. Apart from these 2 kinds of mobs, you will not be able to see other monsters in this zone.
Special Laboratory
You can found a lot of Crazy Bombers and Lead Miners in this area, and the most frightening Ultimate Destroyer lurks in the depths of the Special Laboratory. If you want to hit the Ultimate Destroyer down to obtain attractive drop items, just stay tune in this area.
2) Seventh Laboratory
In the depths of Prison Test Zone, Ultimate Destroyers are the guardians and protectors of the Seventh Laboratory. This is the most awful experiment lab in Prison Test Zone. Due to the failure of the insane experiment, it is given a newborn of dangerous monstrosity -- [Giant Hawk]! With the gigantic creations and formidable attack, [Giant Hawk] has become the evil of the darkness who controls the entire Seventh Laboratory. All players have to spend time preparing for the battlefield.
Luckily, you won’t find any mobs in the Seventh Laboratory, all you need to do is beat down the powerful BOSS ~ Giant Hawk for the glory.
: Prison Test Zone
Requirement : Character level ≧170

BOSS Monster ~ Giant Hawk
If players want to increase their leveling quickly, please remember never to go near the Giant Hawk in single mode, always move around to avoid being attacked. [Giant Hawk] is a powerful monster therefore players will have to cooperate and concentrate their powers to defeat the [Giant Hawk]. Just look for the best spot to strike and avoid being locked on. In addition, [Giant Hawk] has extremely attack and physical rate, so all players must apply strategy and full strength to defeat him.

:: New Monsters

Images Name Level Attack Place of Spawn
Deadly Gamu_Gamo
188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Poisonous Gamu_Gamo 188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Fiery Gamu_G 188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Higad 188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Bronze Higad 188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Silver Higad 188 Poison Attack Prison Test Zone
Mad Driller 188 Next Divides Mechanical Drill
Revolving Attack
Prison Test Zone
Mad Smasher 188 Next Divides Weird Hand Revolving Attack Prison Test Zone
Crazy Bomber 188 Bomb Attack Prison Test Zone
Lead Miner 188

Iron Hook/ Wooden Club Attack
Prison Test Zone
Ultimate Destroyer 299 Axe Attack Prison Test Zone
Giant Hawk 299 Fist Attack
(The most dangerous boss)
Seventh Laborator

:: New Armors
Brawler Section
Name Require Level Image Full Set Image
B Lvl Rock Mil. Robe 185
B Lvl Rock Mil. Robe (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Mil. Robe (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Mil. Pants 185
B Lvl Rock Mil. Pants (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Mil. Pants (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Mil. Glove 185
B Lvl Rock Mil. Glove (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Mil. Glove (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Martial Shoes 185
B Lvl Rock Martial Shoes (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Martial Shoes (+) / (Chg) 195

Sword Section
Name Require Level Image Full Set Image
B Lvl Rock Swrd. Coat 185
B Lvl Rock Swrd. Coat (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Swrd. Coat (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Swrd Pants 185
B Lvl Rock Swrd Pants (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Swrd Pants (+) / (Chg) 195
B lvl Rock Swrd Glv 185
B lvl Rock Swrd Glv (+) / (Chg) 190
A lvl Rock Swrd Glv (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Swrd Shoes 185
B Lvl Rock Swrd Shoes (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Swrd Shoes (+) / (Chg) 195

Archery Section
Name Require Level Image Full Set Image
B Lvl Rock Arch. Coat 185
B Lvl Rock Arch. Coat (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Arch. Coat (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Arch. Pants 185
B Lvl Rock Arch. Pants (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Arch. Pants (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Arch. Glove 185
B Lvl Rock Arch. Glove (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Arch. Glove (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Arch. Shoes 185
B Lvl Rock Arch. Shoes (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Arch. Shoes (+) / (Chg) 195

Shaman Section
Name Require Level Image Full Set Image
B Lvl Rock Suit 185
B Lvl Rock Suit (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Suit (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Pants 185
B Lvl Rock Pants (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Pants (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock QG Glove 185
B Lvl Rock QG Glove (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock QG Glove (+) / (Chg) 195
B Lvl Rock Shoes 185
B Lvl Rock Shoes (+) / (Chg) 190
A Lvl Rock Shoes (+) / (Chg) 195

:: New Weapons
Brawler Section
Name Require Image Weapon Image
Honor Xuan Wu Glv DEX :453
Honor Heavy Silver Gauntlet POW : 435
Honor Lite Xuan Wu Glv INT: 491

Sword Section
Name Require Image Weapon Image
Honor Tian Wu Sword DEX : 440
Honor Kitchen Blade POW : 433
Honor Lite Solar Sword INT: 497

Archery Section
Require Image Weapon Image
Honor Ugrd. Horn Bow DEX : 468
Honor Ugrd. Genie Bow POW : 430

Honor Lite Ugrd. Genie Bow INT: 505

Shaman Section
Name Require Image< Weapon Image
Honor Mystical Spear POW : 431
Honor Dead Spirit Wand Shaman Section
Level :190

:: New Club War Rewards

Name Limitation Description Function Image Beret Images
Sacred Gate Beret
3 days limitation
Special used by Sacred Hole Gate, can enhance reveal the club identity and sharpen the ability.
Defense +8, increase 0.60% HP, MP and SP recovery rate.
Mystic Peak Beret 3 days limitation
Special used by Mystic Hole Peak, can enhance reveal the club identity and sharpen the ability. Defense +8, increase 0.60% HP, MP and SP recovery rate.
Phoenix Beret 3 days limitation
Special used by Phoenix Hole, can enhance reveal the club identity and sharpen the ability. Defense +8, increase 0.60% HP, MP and SP recovery rate.
City Beret 3 days limitation
Special used by Trading Club War, can enhance reveal the club identity and sharpen the ability. Defense +8, increase 0.60% HP, MP and SP recovery rate.

How to Receive Club War Reward?
When the war ends, the club or their members will remain while the others will be sent out from the Computer Room. At the same time, Beret Box with 60,000 HP will appear near to [Main Computer].

All club members work out to hit the [Beret Box], and it will drop of 10 Berets in 10 seconds safety time. Beret is considered as non-tradable item.
The Club Master have to distribute the Beret to respective members within 10 seconds to 2 minutes after the dropping time of Beret.

1. Every [Computer Room] will only drop 10 x [Beret] as rewarded items.
2. All [Beret] has time limitation, non-transferable and non-tradable.
3. Gonzo Rosso (M) Sdn. Bhd. will not be responsible for any internet disconnection or latency issues caused by ISP network stability.
4. Gonzo Rosso (M) Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to change or amend the reward, including the function of [Beret].

:: New Skills
Brawler Section
Image Level Require Description
Sonic Craze 15
Level : 160
Skill Point : 1
Increase attack movement in specific period but decrease attack rate.
Titan Will 3 Level : 30 Increase HP
Titan Force 15 Level : 191 Increase HP

Sword Section
Image Level Require Description
Light Armor 15
Level : 160
Skill Point : 1
Increase attack movement in specific period but decrease defense rate.
Titan Will 3 Level : 30 Increase HP
Titan Force 15 Level : 191 Increase HP

Archery Section
Image Level Require Description
Chrono Shift 15
Level : 160
Skill Point : 1
Increase defense and speed movement in specific period but decrease attack rate.
Titan Will 3 Level : 30 Increase HP
Titan Force 15 Level : 191 Increase HP

Shaman Section
Image Level Require Description
Magnetic Shaft 15
Level : 160
Skill Point : 1
Enhances the magnetic field surrounding the target and shortens target’s speed of skill effect.
Titan will 3 Level : 30 Increase HP
Titan Force 15 Level : 191 Increase HP